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RiskVal Fixed Income (RVFI) Weekly Enhancements - 8/5/22

Key Features in this Release:

  • The delivery probability scenario is now using “Flat” bump opposed to PCA by default

  • [Curve Analysis] Added ability to plot curve as of custom date

  • Added ability to customize position filter size

  • Added ability to send CMS sprd vol strategies to Trade Blotter

  • Added preference to choose curve used in lower carry & roll matrix

  • For fx forwards, added support to subtract actual rate from spot rate

  • Added support for CMS sprd vol, already available in Forward Swap Matrix

Minor Fixes & Enhancements:

  • Forward Swap MatrixSprd/Bfly: Renamed “Preferences” – “Carry & Roll” to “Carry & Roll Period”

  • Market View – Curves: Removed 12th RBA from default fitting points from AUD OIS curve

  • Fed Fund Simulator: Removed “EUR-EONIA” tab

  • Future CTD: Added “Delete Selected Tabs” function under “Tabs” menu

  • Market View – IRVOL: JPY Vol has been updated to pick up the OIS vol

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RiskVal Financial Solutions, LLC, is a global supplier of SaaS for trading strategies, risk management, and portfolio management. RiskVal provides software such as analytics and trading systems in fixed-income, credit derivative, equity, foreign exchange, and derivative securities.

Copyright © 2020 RiskVal Financial Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved.

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