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RiskVal Fixed Income (RVFI) Weekly Enhancements - 4/29/22

Key Features in this Release:

  • Updated delivery basket for TWE future

  • When sending vol trades to Trade Blotter sheet, enabled “Notional Hedge”

  • Added support for all FX Vol tenors that are in Market View; also supported in Sprd/Bfly

  • [AUD] Added preference to calc AUD OIS3s basis using outright 3s & outright OIS

  • Added support for additional SOFR packs, bundles, and ability to specify starting month

  • Added preference to set belly of Maturity Weight as either 1 or 2

  • Added support for SEK, NOK, CHF, DKK bonds & swaps

  • Added ability to change meeting cutoff dates across RiskVal

Minor Fixes & Enhancements:

Swap Monitor: Added ability to export table to Excel (<right click> - “Export to Excel”)

Global Rates Monitor: Added “5BD” option under “Preferences” – “Diff”

Market View

  • [Curves - EUR] Updated fitting points of ESTR curve

  • [Curves – USD] Added FVs to OTR Spline curve construction

  • [IRVol] Added functionality to save RV Analysis config

  • [IRVol] Under Preferences, added “Show Vol Heatmap” to show heatmap in implied vol, realized vol, & ratio tables

Trade Blotter: Extended exporting VAR historical data to 1-2 years

Historical CTD: Will show CTD up until current day for current future

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RiskVal Financial Solutions, LLC, is a global supplier of SaaS for trading strategies, risk management, and portfolio management. RiskVal provides software such as analytics and trading systems in fixed-income, credit derivative, equity, foreign exchange, and derivative securities.

Copyright © 2020 RiskVal Financial Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved.

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