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RiskVal Fixed Income (RVFI) Weekly Enhancements - 08/04/2023

Key Features in this Release:

o Added EFP SSprd Z/OISprd Z columns

o Added RSI & overbought/oversold columns

o Added ability to specify real time chart data range

o Added ESprd YY/Z MR Freq & ESprd YY/Z 1 Std MR Freq columns

o MMY column is now editable to be able to back out bond price

o [IRVOL] Added ability to specify PCS for each cell

o [CT]: Added support for Ireland/Finland 15y & 20y as well as Netherlands 20y

Bug Fixes & Minor Enhancements:

Sprd/Bfly:Updated the real-time chart line to light blue in Dark Theme to make the curve more readable

Trade Blotter:

o [Swap] Updated price swap base columns to correspond with the curve’s update for different currency and curve types

o [CMS Option] Enhanced available “Swap Term” selection based on currency and curve

Fed Fund Monitor: Added “Market CoD” column

Tools - Set Alerts:

o Set the “Bond” column as a roll header

o Added “CMT dRVS” option for CCY Bond

Market View [IRVol - USD/GBP]: Updated the longer end symbols, “USDNAT##” for SOFR/ “GBNS####” for GBP

New Global IVSP:

o Added “IRR-SOFR ZS” column

o Added SEK Tab

EUR Carry and Rolldown: Updated the underlying libor curve from 3M to 6M for carry and roll.

LIBOR Cessation:

o Market View – CCY Config | Forward Swap Matrix | CHF/SGD Bond & Sprd/Bfly: Turned off CHF/SGD Libor curve setting as default

o USD/GBP/JPY Bond RollDown and Carry | Tools – Set Alerts: Removed Libor-related columns

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RiskVal Financial Solutions, LLC, is a global supplier of SaaS for trading strategies, risk management, and portfolio management. RiskVal provides software such as analytics and trading systems in fixed-income, credit derivative, equity, foreign exchange, and derivative securities.

Copyright © 2020 RiskVal Financial Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved.

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