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Swap Box Enhancement | Weekly Release 10/11/19

Allow traders to transform their trading strategy into an email with a new “Send as Email” feature. Traders can specify the email recipient(s) & receiver(s), to generate a snapshot of the trade details as well as the spread graph of the 3-month history. Currently only supported for spread trades

  1. Click Send As Email

  2. In the Swap Box Email Export popup: a. Enter the email address of the recipient(s) and receiver b. Enter the email subject

  3. Click Send

  4. RiskVal will popup a confirmation message that the email has been sent

In the body of the email, traders will find the live px, yield, and yield spread. As an attachment, traders will have a snapshot view of the Swap Box, and yield spread history.

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RiskVal Financial Solutions, LLC, is a global supplier of SaaS for trading strategies, risk management, and portfolio management. RiskVal provides software such as analytics and trading systems in fixed-income, credit derivative, equity, foreign exchange, and derivative securities.

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