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Sprd/Bfly Enhancements | Weekly Release 5/7/21

Enhancement #1

Added Simple Moving Average flag to the historical popup graph

Traders can access historical graphs by <double clicking> on cells with a light-blue indicator in the upper left corner of the column.

In historical popup graphs, a Simple Moving Average “SMA” flag has been added.

When checked, the SMA for the set time period will be plotted on the graph. Traders can adjust the SMA period by typing in the number in the “Days” field. RiskVal’s default is 20 days.

Note: Traders can also navigate to “Preferences” – “Graph” – “Show SMA” to choose whether to plot the SMA on historical graphs. When “Show SMA” is checked, the SMA will be plotted when historical graphs are opened.

The time period can be set for the SMA by navigating to “Preferences” – “Graph” – “Num of SMA Days” and entering the desired time period. This time period will be set for all historical graphs that are opened.

Note: This setting is shared with the Bond Roll sheet, when it is changed here, it will propagate to the Bond Roll and vice versa.


Enhancement #2

Added the Net Basis Real Time chart

Traders can add the Net Basis Chart “NB Chart” column from the Table” – “Manage Columns”. Traders can then search for this column. The “NB Chart” will highlight yellow in “Available Columns”. Traders can move them to “Displayed Columns”. Click “Save As” to create a new user view, or “Save” to add these columns to the current view.

After adding the “NB Chart” column:

1- Click “Preferences” – “RT Intraday Chart” – “Show Net Basis

2- To load RT data, click “Charts” – “Load Server Chart Data

Note: To save intraday charts, traders can click on “Charts” – “Save Charts”.

And to load intraday charts after restarting their RiskVal, traders can click on “Charts” – “Auto Load Charts”

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RiskVal Financial Solutions, LLC, is a global supplier of SaaS for trading strategies, risk management, and portfolio management. RiskVal provides software such as analytics and trading systems in fixed-income, credit derivative, equity, foreign exchange, and derivative securities.

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