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Market View – Future Enhancement | Weekly Release 11/13/20

During RiskVal initialization, added a warning message to prompt traders with an option to reset user-defined CTD bond(s) to the system-default

When traders decide to override the CTD bond(s) in the back end from the “Market View” -> “Future” tab, a restart is required for RiskVal to pick up the changes.

Upon restarting, RiskVal will remind traders that they are no longer using the system default CTD bond. Traders will see a popup message with an overview of the overridden CTD bond(s).

  • Click "Reset All" to change overridden CTD bond(s) to RiskVal’s default

  • Click "Dismiss" to keep overridden CTD Bond(s) and proceed with login

  • Check the "Don't Show Again" box to permanently disable this pop-up message in the future

RiskVal is set to auto-close this warning message after 30 seconds if traders do not make any selection. Auto-close will launch RiskVal with overridden CTD Bond(s).

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RiskVal Financial Solutions, LLC, is a global supplier of SaaS for trading strategies, risk management, and portfolio management. RiskVal provides software such as analytics and trading systems in fixed-income, credit derivative, equity, foreign exchange, and derivative securities.

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