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EUR TBill Enhancements | Weekly Release 11/19/21

Enhancement #1

Added Finland, Greece, Netherlands, & Portugal

Traders can now view TBills for Finland, Greece, Netherlands, & Portugal. To create separate tabs for each country, click “Tabs” – “Create Standard Tabs”, check the desired countries, & click “Create”. RiskVal will create separate tabs for each country selected.

Note: Traders can also utilize the “Country” filter to filter the TBill sheet by country.


Enhancement #2

BM CT uses FR current TBill

The default “BM CT” will now be set to be the FR current TBill.

RiskVal will set the “FR6M” as the default “BM CT” for TBills with maturities within the next 6 months. For TBills with maturities more than 6 months away, RiskVal will set the “FR12M” as the default “BM CT”.

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