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Corp Bond RV Enhancement | Weekly Release 1/28/22


Added Ticker, Country, & Maturity Range filters

Ticker, Country & Maturity Range filters are added to Corp Bond RV.

Click on the “Ticker” and “Country” buttons to pop out the selectors. Check on the desired types and click on “Apply” to set the filters.

As for the Maturity Range, Traders can enter Maturity Range (“Mty Sctr”) following the format YYYY-YYYY or MM/YYYY-MM/YYYY. For example, traders can enter 2022-2023, or 05/2022-02/2023.

Note: when filters are set, they will be highlighted Pink.

Enhancement #2:

Added “Country” & “Composite Rating” column

Added “Country” column to show the country of the bond.

Also added a “Composite Rating” column. To have the composite rating auto load, under “Preferences” check “Auto Load Out Size & Rating from BBG”. To refresh the rating, click “Preferences” – “Refresh Out Size & Rating”.

Traders can add these columns from “Table” – “Manage Columns”.

Enhancement #3:

CDS Sprd 5Y will be used as the default value model

The “Sprd 5y bp” column will be used as the default value model, the surrounding spread points will show the same value as the 5y. Should the trader override the 5y column, the rest of the spread columns will use the value entered.

Note: Should there be a missing Sprd 5y, it will be highlighted in yellow

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